Clear Lake Boys Basketball
Answers to typical questions about Clear Lake Boys Basketball are included below. For any other questions, please inquire via email to
What is CLBB?
Clear Lake Boys Basketball, CLBB, is a volunteer run 501(C)(3) non profit corporation organized to promote a competitive basketball league for boys in 3rd to 12th grade from the Clear Lake and surrounding communities. CLBB strives to provide this experience to as many boys within the area boundaries and age limits as possible.
CLBB considers it successful when…
In any given game, one team is capable of defeating the other.
The first place team in a division is 7-3 and the last place team is 3-7 with one of its wins over the first place team.
When the score margin for games is 10 points or less.
When every team in a division has a win and no team is undefeated.
When 90% of the boys in a division return to play the next year.
When boys come back after a year of playing elsewhere and ask if they can still play CLBB.
What are the different CLBB leagues and when are the seasons?
CLBB has 2 leagues/seasons. The Regular Season league and the Second Season league.
The CLBB Regular Season is for 3rd-6th graders. November through March.
The different divisions/age groups for the Regular Season are…
Junior 9/10-typically players in 3rd and 4th grade.
Major 11-typically players in 5th grade.
Major 12-typically players in 6th grade.
The CLBB Second Season is for 7th-12th graders. March through May.
The different divisions/age groups for the Second Season are…
Senior-typically players in 7th through 9th grade.
Pro-typically players in 10th through 12th grade.
For Second Season FAQ’s, scroll down to CLBB Second Season below.
Can I coach?
CLBB is always recruiting coaches and we welcome your involvement. If you are interested, see any league official at new player tryouts or email
How else can I be involved?
CLBB survives on the individuals that donate their time to help make this a successful organization. CLBB volunteers make a difference in the lives of several hundred kids and families each year by providing an opportunity for kids to play basketball. For more information and to see the many areas of need, go to the volunteers page under the About Us section on the navigation bar or email
CLBB Regular Season (3rd-6th Grade)
What is the CLBB Regular Season?
The CLBB Regular Season is for 3rd-6th graders and provides an opportunity to play basketball in a competitive yet fun environment with and against friends.
The different divisions/age groups for the Regular Season are…
Junior 9/10-typically players in 3rd and 4th grade.
Major 11-typically players in 5th grade.
Major 12-typically players in 6th grade.
Players may play up in a division with board approval.
Who can play in the Regular Season?
It is open to players zoned to the various area Intermediate schools-Clear Lake, Space Center, Seabrook, and Westbrook.
How are teams formed?
All players go through a player evaluation in front of division coaches. New teams are picked each year in a player draft. The goal of the draft is to try and get as balanced a set of teams as possible.
Why is there a draft?
The purpose of the draft is to create balanced teams so that each team has a chance of winning each game. There are draft rules and procedures designed to complete this task. Ideally, the team with the worst record would be able to beat the team with the best record. To view the draft procedures, click on the Coach Resources under the About Us section on the navigation bar and then click on CLBB Draft Procedures.
Why are there New Player tryouts?
Due to a lack of gym space as well as volunteers, there are limits on the number of teams per division and thus a limited number of spots for players. CLBB tries to accommodate as many players as possible. Once a player is in the league, that player is eligible each year to retain their position in the league as a returning player. CLBB also limits teams to 8 players because this number provides an optimal number of players for a coach to provide playing time for each player.
What are the Draft Evaluation tryouts?
Draft evaluations are similar to tryouts but consist of a variety of drills for the players while being evaluated by the coaches in the division. In this manner, CLBB and the coaches are able to draft players and create balanced teams.
Does everybody get a chance to play?
CLBB limits eight players to a team. While CLBB is a competitive league, it recognizes the need to develop all of the players in the league. All players have different levels of ability and some take longer to develop than others. CLBB instituted minimum play and minimum sit rules which guarantees playing time and encourages coaches to develop all the players on the team.
When is Registration, Tryouts, and the Draft?
Registration usually begins in late September/early October and new player tryouts and draft evaluation tryouts begin in early November. The draft is held prior to Thanksgiving and players are notified of teams prior to the Thanksgiving break.
When do practices start, what times are practice, what days, and where do we practice?
Practices begin in December after the Thanksgiving break. Practice times are in the evening hours and can be any day of the week. There is a chance of Saturday practices before games start and those are usually in the morning or afternoon. Practices are at St. Bernadette's Church or the Clear Lake Recreation Center. See gyms on the navigation bar in the About Us section for addresses.
When do games start? What days and times can we expect to play?
Games will start in early January after the Winter Break. The majority of games are played on Friday evenings or anytime morning through evening on Saturdays.
When does the season end?
The season ends prior to the CCISD spring break holiday.
Where are games played?
For the 2019-2020 CLBB Seasons, games are played at St. Bernadette's Church or the Clear Lake Recreation Center. See gyms on the navigation bar for addresses.
What should I expect in terms of practice during the CLBB Regular Season?
For the CLBB Regular Season and prior to the Winter break, you can expect 2-3 practices per week and can range from 1 to 1 1/2 hours per practice. After the Winter break and after games start, you can expect 1-2 practices per week.
What should I expect in terms of games during the CLBB Regular Season?
The CLBB Regular Season typically consists of 10-12 regular season games. A regular season championship tournament is played between the top 2 or top 4 teams after the regular season depending on the size of the division. The winner of the regular season championship tournament is awarded the coveted "Green Jacket" and the runner up is awarded trophies. After the Green Jacket is awarded to the top team, ALL the teams are seeded and compete in a single elimination post season tournament.
What is the Green Jacket?
CLBB has a long standing tradition of giving the top team in each division of the regular season a "Green Jacket" instead of a trophy. Though actually blue in color, it is a symbol of accomplishment and most of the players understand its rich history and work hard to achieve one.
CLBB Second Season (7th-12th Grade)
What is the CLBB Second Season?
The CLBB Second Season is for 7th-12th graders and provides an opportunity to play basketball in a competitive yet fun environment with and against friends.
The different divisions/age groups for the Second Season are…
Senior-typically players in 7th through 9th grade.
Pro-typically players in 10th through 12th grade.
Players may play up in a division with board approval.
Who can play in the Second Season?
It is open to school and non-school team players zoned to the various area high schools-Clear Lake, Clear Brook, and Clear Falls. However, players from Clear Springs, Clear Creek, and other CCISD high schools are eligible to play if space allows.
How are teams formed?
All players go through a player evaluation in front of division coaches. New teams are picked each year in a player draft. The goal of the draft is to try and get as balanced a set of teams as possible.
How many players are on a team?
The ideal number of players on a team is 8 but may change based on different circumstances.
When is the Second Season Registration, Draft evaluations, and Draft?
Registration usually begins in late February/early March and draft evaluations are after the spring break holiday. The draft takes place in late March.
When are games played in the Second Season and when does the season end?
Games begin in late March/early April and the season concludes by mid May.
What is the season like?
The season typically consists of 8-10 games plus a post season single elimination tournament.
When are practices?
There are NO PRACTICES in the Second Season.
When are games played?
Games are typically played in the evening time from 6-10pm Monday through Friday. If needed, Saturday games are played.
What days and times are games played?
For the 2018-2019 CLBB Seasons, games are played at St. Bernadette's Church or the Clear Lake Recreation Center. See Gyms on the navigation bar in the About Us section for addresses.
Does everybody get a chance to play?
CLBB instituted minimum play and minimum sit rules which guarantees playing time for each player.
When does registration begin?
CLBB Regular Season registration begins in late September. CLBB Second Season registration begins in early March.
What is the first step to register?
To begin the registration process, you first need to create a Family Account with at least one guardian and one child. There is no limit to the number of guardians and family members. Once this is done, then you can register your child in program per his age group.
What happens after I register?
After you have registered for the CLBB Regular Season, CLBB will contact you and let you know when dates for tryouts will be if you are a NEW PLAYER. RETURNING PLAYERS will be contacted and given dates and times available for evaluations. If you have registered and have not been contacted or are not sure about the next steps, please contact CLBB.
After you have registered for the CLBB Second Season, evaluation dates and times will be posted on the website. It is up to the player to make one of the evaluations.
What costs are covered by my registration fees?
The majority of registration fees go toward renting gym space for practices and games. Other costs include officials and scorekeepers for games, uniforms, insurance, and regular season and post season awards.
How does CLBB validate players grade level or age?
Birth certificates, report cards, or progress notes with the grade level or age on them are required to be validated for each player within CLBB. This is a one time process. The form you choose can be brought to registration, a new player tryout, or an evaluation.
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Houston, Texas 77289